
Follow my journey with IJM

Wednesday, 8 August 2012

Summer Madness and Aaron Weiss

Well friends, if you live in Northern Ireland, chances are you will have heard about Summer Madness. Each summer thousands of young people gather for this Christian festival to hear different speakers, camp out together, attend seminars, worship together, and just have a lot of fun. At least this is what I gathered from my first experience of Summer Madness a few weeks ago! Ruth and I had a stand at SM and held a seminar called “Life...

Thursday, 2 August 2012

Part of the Story

Dear Friends, Thank you for following my blog as I am the Church and Development Assistant for International Justice Mission in Ireland. As you may know, this position is a year-long voluntary internship and I am raising awareness and support for the work of IJM and the issues of injustice that we are fighting against. Please take the time to look through a few posts here and consider supporting me with prayer and finance. My goal is to raise £80 (About $125) a month to support my mission. This money will meet a very practical need of mine,...

Speaking in Detroit

In June, I had the privilege of speaking about the work of IJM at my home church in Plymouth, MI. On a Wednesday night I spoke for the youth and college groups at Solid Rock Bible Church. This was a really wonderful experience and I am still so encouraged by the response from both groups! Speaking and hosting stands at different churches and events is one of my favorite parts of the internship. The more I speak about issues of injustice...