Wednesday, 6 March 2013

One Last Post...

Before I begin my final post, I would like to take a moment and apologize for my complete lack of updates over the last 5 months.

As most of you know, my best friend passed away unexpectedly at the end of September. I have not posted anything since this happened but felt it would still be a good thing to write a final blog and update you all.

Since September, we have had SEVERAL events! Countless speaking engagements, youth events, conferences and fundraisers. Alright… maybe not countless seeing as we keep great records of everything, but you know what I mean. It’s been a very busy journey.  To tell you about each event would take a lot of time, so let me share some of my favorite highlights.

CFC Belfast: Back in November/December, we hosted a 4-week series with the youth group at CFC. Each week focused on a different aspect of IJM’s work. We discussed injustice as a whole and God’s call for His people to be involved in bringing justice to the nations. We also talked more specifically about slavery, police abuse of power and illegal land seizure. It was a great opportunity to share stories of victims that IJM has rescued and to encourage them to be part of the solution to injustice.

Freedom Parties: We have also had our first few Freedom Parties in Northern Ireland! At its core, a Freedom Party offers the opportunity to purchase unique and ethical products.  Each product has been made by a survivor of sex trafficking and is an example of what aftercare programs - and ultimately the rescues themselves - help to achieve for such victims. These events have been organized by volunteers to raise funds for the work of IJM. I loved all of the items and wanted to buy them all! These parties are a really fun way to support IJM and tell others about the work. To learn more about hosting a Freedom Party and to see some of the items that are sold at these events, click here.

Benefit Dinner: On Valentine’s Day we hosted a Benefit Dinner in Belfast! Working towards this event was both stressful and exciting. Over 130 people attended our dinner and we raised over £10,000 for our work in India! Saju Mathew, IJM’s Director of Operations, South Asia, shared stories from his personal experiences in the field. If you missed this or want a recap, visit this link to hear from Saju.

These are just a few of the events that I have been a part of this year. Throughout my internship, each week has been different. So many skills have been further developed and I have been challenged, stretched and inspired. I am so thankful for my experience with IJM this year!

So, next week will be my last week in the office as an intern! I am really looking forward to next week, as it will be ending with another team Quarterly Prayer Day over in England. I always really enjoy these and come back feeling encouraged by the people who work for IJM UK. I am proud to have been part of this amazing team of people that God has put together. What a beautiful way to end my year with IJM.

What’s next, you might ask? Good question. I am still not too sure myself. I know I will continue volunteering with IJM any chance I get. Job hunting has already begun. And Paul and I are praying about our future. Please pray with us as we seek God’s wisdom about jobs, where to live, etc. Exciting!

Please don’t let your journey with IJM end here. Visit for more information. Donate. Pray. Volunteer. Intern. Be part of the story!

 “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”
Edmund Burke as quoted in Good News about Injustice by Gary Haugen


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